
Verbal Aikido: 3 techniques to defend against a verbal attack


Verbal Aikido is a way of processing and resolution of conflict that includes the deal who attacks you as a partner rather than an adversary.

If you are already familiar with aikido, you already know that the physical approach shows what can be done at other levels: emotional, verbal, intellectual and so on.

In truth, the philosophy of aikido shows that, no matter what we are facing in life, we can neutralize it by accepting it, internalize it and redirect the energy, whatever form it may take.

In training of peace education specifically we set out to transform the verbal attacks, c0me explained author and trainer Luke Archer, this art is simplified to three points, making it easy for children to carpirla and use it in everyday life day:

1) Give the attack with a SMILE INSIDE (a serene interior and safe)

2) Accompany a question and re-turns to who attacks you to destabilize

3) Restore a new balance (energy balance)

Through methods and experiences during training dell’Akido Verbal, those who practice it acquires a sense of self-control, a strong communication style, and works on the practice of intentions deliberated.If you give everything a path to follow, here are a few number of points that will give you a starting point!

1) DO NOT worry if you are ever involved in a heated exchange. Take the time to ‘centerwhen you realize that you are not calm!

2) DO NOT try to dominate a situation or winan exchange. Enter the intention of harmony (at least, inner harmony) before continuing.

3) Do not take anything personally about what you say … ever. I believe that everything that is said could be a reflection, a transfer or a projection of the speaker.

4) DO NOT forget to be honest when you’re trying to understand the position of others. Avoid exchanging non-productive proposing a new balance as soon as there is a destabilization.

5) DO NOT let the exchange will continue further if you are proposing three consecutive mismatches and you still feel stuck. Use all exchanges meetings as an opportunity to practice and develop the art.

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